Hidden Cabinet Films

big ideas in unexpected places

Board of Directors

Hidden Cabinet’s Board of Directors includes:

Brooklyn-based attorney Matthew Milford, Secretary;

Courtney Weiss Smith, Treasurer, Professor of English at Wesleyan University and author of Empiricist Devotions: Science, Religion, and Poetry in Early Eighteenth-Century England (University of Virginia, 2016), winner of the 2015 Walker Cowen Memorial Prize;

Andrew Curran, William Armstrong Professor of the Humanities at Wesleyan University and author of Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely (Other Press, 2019), Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year 2019, among other works;

Howard Kaplan, Principal of HFK Consulting and former Director of Educational Programs at the American Bar Association; and

William Stowe, Benjamin Waite Professor of the English Language, Emeritus, at Wesleyan University, author of Going Abroad: European Travel in Nineteenth-Century American Culture (Princeton University Press, 1994) and Pete Dunne’s New Jersey: Nature Writing in the Garden State (New Jersey Audubon, 2014), among other works, including and numerous essays in environmental and literary history.

The president of Hidden Cabinet Films is award-winning non-fiction writer Mark S. Weiner. Mark is the author of The Rule of the Clan (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013), winner of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order; Black Trials (Knopf, 2004), winner of the Silver Gavel Award of the American Bar Association; and Americans without Law (NYU, 2007), winner of the President’s Book Award of the Social Science History Association; and he is the co-author of Law’s Picture Books, a rare book exhibition catalogue that received the Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award from the American Association of Law Libraries. He is a professor on leave from Rutgers Law School, and has been a Fulbright scholar in Akuryeri, Iceland, Salzburg, Austria, and Uppsala, Sweden. You can contact him through his website.

Former board members

Mike Widener, founding board member, left us in 2021, when he retired as Rare Book Librarian at Yale Law School.

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